Δευτέρα 7 Μαρτίου 2011

International Conference on European Copyright Law: Towards a European Copyright Code? 14-15 April 2011

The Law Department of the University of Cyprus organizes an international conference in European Copyright Law on the topic of the codification of European copyright law. The Conference will gather a great number of academics and scholars specialized in copyright law. The goals of the conference are to analyze the acquis communautaire in the field of copyright law and to discuss the perspective of the codification of European copyright law.

The website of the conference is: http://cyprusconferences.org/icecl2011/

Conference program:

1st day: April 14th, 2011

8h00-8h30: Registration

8h30-9h00: Welcoming addresses

1st session: The ways of European copyright harmonization

Chair: Konstantinos Combos, University of Cyprus

09h00: The legal foundations of European copyright harmonization: Theodoros Georgopoulos, University of Reims

09h20: The strategy of European legislator in field of copyright harmonization: Frank Gotzen, K.U. Brussels and K.U. Leuven

09h40: The ECJ policy and practice in the field of European copyright law: Dionysia Kallinikou, University of Athens

2nd session: The acquis of European copyright harmonization

Chair: Bernt Hugenholtz, University of Amsterdam, Director of IVIR (Institute for Information law)

10h00: The concept of work: Tatiana Synodinou, University of Cyprus / Aristotle University

10h20: Economic rights: Agnes Lucas Shloetter, Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich

10h40: Discussion

11h10: Coffee break

11h30: Exceptions and limitations: Christophe Geiger, Director of the CEIPI (Centre d’Etudes Internationales de la Propri􀅆t􀅆 Intellectuelle) - University of Strasbourg

11h50: Duration: Heiki Pisuke, University of Tartu, Council of the European Union

12h10: Enforcement of copyright: Pilar Camara, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid

12h30: Discussion

13h00: Lunch break

3rd session: The gaps of European copyright harmonization

Chair: Andre Lucas, University of Nantes

14h30: Authorship: Antoon Quaedvlieg, University of Nijmegen

14h50: Moral right: Ioannis Kikkis, Copyright law expert

15h10: Copyright contracts: Silke Von Lewinski, Max Planck Institute for Intellectual property, competition and tax law

15h30: Collective management: Michaly Ficsor, Former Assistant Director of the

World Intellectual Property Organization in charge of copyright and related rights, President of the Hungarian Copyright Experts Council

15h50: Discussion

16h30: Coffee Break

16h50: The fight against illegal downloading: Valerie Laure Benabou, Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines

17h10: Interoperability: Carine Bernault, University of Nantes

17h30: Private International law: Nikitas Hatzimihail, University of Cyprus

17h50: Discussion

18h15: End of the 1st day

2nd day: April 15th, 2011

4th session: The accomplishment of European copyright harmonization

Chair Victor Nabhan: President of ALAI

9h00: General introduction: Victor Nabhan

9h10: Copyright law and droit d’auteur (civil law) tradition: Alain Strowel, University Saint-Louis

9h30: The perspective of introduction of a European «fair use» clause: Paul Torremans, University of Nottingham

9h50: The European Copyright Code of the Wittem project: Bernt Hugenholtz, Univesity of Amsterdam, Director of IVIR

10h10: Coffee Break

10h30: Round table on the topic of copyright codification in Europe : Reto Hilty, Director of Max –Planck Institute for Intellectual property, competition and tax law, University of Zurich, University of Munich / André Lucas, University of Nantes/ Jacques de Werra, University of Geneva/Lambros Kotsiris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

11h45 -12h15: Discussion

12h15- 12h30: Break


12h30 – 15h00: The Cyprus reality copyright enforcement
In cooperation with the Cyprus-American Business Association and U.S. Embassy Nicosia

12h30 – 12h45: Welcoming addresses

Welcoming address by U.S. Embassy Representative

Welcoming address by CyABA Representative

Chair: Achilleas Demetriades, Advocate

12h45-13h00: Eugene Danilov, Business Development Manager, Microsoft Central and Eastern Europe HQ

13h00-13h15: Representative of the artistic community

13h15 -13h30: Daphne Trimikliniotis, President of EKATE

13h30-13h45: Representative of Cyprus Association of Librarians – Information Scientists

13h45- 14h00: Vicky Christoforou, Counsel of the Republic of Cyprus

14h00 -14h30: Discussion

End of the 2nd day – End of the conference

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